Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rolling out beta 1: Get it now!


  • Alarms: add/delete/repeat modes (work completely, but not multiple alarms)
  • Weather widget (uses Yahoo! Location. To get your location visit: and enter your ZIP/City. Then copy the code when in the F60 configuration screen.
  • News widget (uses Yahoo! Top Stories. Click the widget and it will open the News application, you can swipe the screen to scroll through the latest news in real time).
  • Phone: make phone calls directly in F60. This works.

  • Lots of bugs have been fixed in alarms.
  • Click an alarm to delete it.
Known bugs:
  • When the alarm goes off, and you try to open the alarm app again it shows a black screen.
  • The keyboard has a slight delay (I wrote it from scratch, don't expect it to be perfect).
  • Only the first alarm will actually go off, haven't implemented multiple alarms yet.
  • World Clock, Contacts, all 'Options' menus are missing yet.
  • There is no menu yet.

Really easy, unzip the F60 folder and copy it to your Nokia. Then use the filebrowser and open 'kernel.swf' inside /F60. Then proceed or skip the installation. Please read the 'known bugs' carefully before posting bugs etc.

- To open 'Alarms', click the time on the left of the homescreen
- To open 'News', click the news widget
- To open 'Contacts', 'Phone' click the icons



  1. i got an x6 - it works so far and i got no lags. its pretty fast.

    there seems to be no landscape mode yet.

    thanks for your hard work

  2. can you post homescreen and menu screen shots?

  3. great work!!!

    go on like this!!

  4. What did you expect? It's still a shell, right.

    But I think it runs pretty smooth for a shell created in Flash. I've seen Flash applications doing much worse on Nokia devices because they weren't optimized.
