Monday, June 27, 2011

Unleashing Beta 3!

This is a major update and is recommended for all beta 2 testers. Most problems are solved.
  • Alarm notification
  • Black screen of death fixed (memory overflow)
  • Help application (only 'Contacts' is documented at the moment)
  • Phonebook
  • Alarm bugfix when having more than 2 alarms
  • Shutdown (Click 'Offline')
  • 'Loading...' when the weather widget is loading
  • Updated welcome screen
  • Improved speed and loading times
  • New wallpaper
  • Removing contacts has been fixed and is almost stable
  • Quickly change between 'Celcius / Fahrenheit' by clicking the weather widget
  • Options menu work in 'Clock', 'Contacts', 'Phone'

    -  Contacts: 'Options' > 'New contact' to add a new contact
    -  Contacts: 'Options' > 'Delete selected' removes marked  contacts (tap the white circles to mark them)
    - Phone: Click the contact to make a phone call
    - Phone: 'Options' > 'Send message' will send a text message to the number you dialed.
  • Several graphic tweaks/improvements


This is probably the latest changelog for Beta 3. After this I will release Beta 3 and start working on Beta 4. Here's a list of bugfixes/new features.
  • Alarm notification
  • Shut down button (click 'OFFLINE')
  • When you have no contacts you can instantly create one by clicking 'Add contact'
  • Click the weather widget to switch between Fahrenheit / Celcius
  • Much sharper welcome screen

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Beware of Fantulous!

I decided to give F60 a more "user-centric" feel. I want to give the users a comfortable feeling when using F60, this starts when you turn on your Nokia with F60. I designed a brand-new welcome screen. I hope you like it.

Despite the previous announcement of Phonebook, there's some bad news though. I removed the news widget in order to gain speed/improve loading times. I noticed that the news widget was the cause of major slowdowns. The good news is that you'll barely notice slowdowns anymore and I added a new wallpaper!


What's happening guys, here's some more information on the upcoming beta.

  • Phonebook has been finished
  • Alarms bug has been fixed (the time did not display in the 'Alarms' view)
  • Fixed some other bugs
Edit: Bug report - removing contacts is unstable yet


Friday, June 24, 2011

Rolling out Beta 2!

A little unexpected? Good, here is beta 2. Please report bugs/suggestions.
  • Multiple alarms are supported
  • Alarm bug has been fixed (fully operational now, except 'World Clock')
  • Speed improvements (the weather widget no longer reloads everytime)
  • Ability to between Fahrenheit and Celcius
  • Wallpaper bug fixed
  • Minor graphic fix in 'Welcome'
  • Symbian Anna icons
  • Application shortcuts widget
  • Kernel has been pushed to version 0.2
    - Booting hierarchy has changed
    - Backgrounding has been improved
  • The default wallpaper has been changed

Requested: Fahrenheit/Celcius

Thanks to an F60 fan Jone who mentioned me to add the option to choose between Fahrenheit/Celcius. Please keep supporting and posting comments, this will make F60 better.


Hope you guys had fun with the beta. I noticed there was a bug that the wallpaper didn't load. But that's fixed already. It'll be shipped with the next beta release. Anyway, here's the next changelog.

  • Wallpaper bug fixed
  • Minor graphic fix in 'Welcome'
  • Symbian Anna will be slightly integrated
  • Application shortcuts have been introduced again
  • Kernel has been pushed to version 0.2
    - Booting hierarchy has changed
    - Backgrounding has been improved
  • The default wallpaper has been changed to bring some life
As it's summer vacation, more updates will come! So stay tuned.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rolling out beta 1: Get it now!


  • Alarms: add/delete/repeat modes (work completely, but not multiple alarms)
  • Weather widget (uses Yahoo! Location. To get your location visit: and enter your ZIP/City. Then copy the code when in the F60 configuration screen.
  • News widget (uses Yahoo! Top Stories. Click the widget and it will open the News application, you can swipe the screen to scroll through the latest news in real time).
  • Phone: make phone calls directly in F60. This works.

  • Lots of bugs have been fixed in alarms.
  • Click an alarm to delete it.
Known bugs:
  • When the alarm goes off, and you try to open the alarm app again it shows a black screen.
  • The keyboard has a slight delay (I wrote it from scratch, don't expect it to be perfect).
  • Only the first alarm will actually go off, haven't implemented multiple alarms yet.
  • World Clock, Contacts, all 'Options' menus are missing yet.
  • There is no menu yet.

Really easy, unzip the F60 folder and copy it to your Nokia. Then use the filebrowser and open 'kernel.swf' inside /F60. Then proceed or skip the installation. Please read the 'known bugs' carefully before posting bugs etc.

- To open 'Alarms', click the time on the left of the homescreen
- To open 'News', click the news widget
- To open 'Contacts', 'Phone' click the icons


Minor Changelog

Hello folks! No release yet, I'm still working on the "new feature", but I have some other cool news. I'm very glad to announce that the Alarms is almost finished. This was the most complex feature yet. I managed to get all the repeat modes to work!

  • Repeat modes have been completed.
  • Weather has been fixed.

Beta will be rolled out this weekend.

Monday, June 20, 2011

One more thing.

Finally. It's approaching, the very first public beta release of F60. Once I've finished the 'Contacts, Alarms' I'll release the first beta. I'm now working on a complete new feature to be implemented in F60, so stay tuned. It will be amazing.

Thanks for supporting me guys, I'm very glad to be working on this again. Post your thoughts about F60 in the comments below.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Yahoo! Weather

I really want the widgets to be perfect so I created an eye-candy weather widget. Like?

Flicking through news articles.

I wanted to improve the 'news reading' experience on your Nokia, so I added a new feature called 'Flick Through'. It allows you to literally flick through the latest news articles. I also changed the font to the open-source DroidSans.

Yahoo! Integration. (Updated)

Yahoo integration has been added throughout F60. I'm using an implementation of XPath by Ryan Lovelett to load RSS data with the official RSS 2.0 specifications (read more).

So anyway, here it is:


Hello guys, the F60 development is back on track again. I recovered the source files and I'll continue where I left off.

  • Font has been updated to the less extensive 'Arial', this will increase overall speed.
  • Application transitions have been removed to reduce the loading times drastically.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

You only think of the best comeback when you leave

We've taken a long break, but we are back. F60 will return this summer. Be prepared for the ultimate phone experience on your Nokia/Samsung device. More information soon.